My name is Cec Klim, and this is an ever-growing portfolio of my academic and related works.
Through various mediums I explore sociology, anthropology, STS, philosophy, film, visual cultures, creative arts, and everything in between. I run this website as a blog where I share my research, progress, opinions and published work in whatever form that takes.
'technofeminism' // emerging technologies // sustainability // sci-fi // craft // the environment // reproductive technology // DIY // monsters // visual culture // synaesthesia // cyborgs // virtuality // new domesticity // the occult // THE FUTURE // posthumanism // body horror // OOO // materiality // mess // witchcraft // contraception
Part of the original impetus for this 'blog' style research project was a shift in my academic trajectory and, of course, the mental and physical changes that have come about due to COVID. Not wanting to let the disappointment of leaving uni curb my interests and productivity, I use this space to allow myself to continue reading, researching, writing and making. In this way, I would describe this blog as 'para-academic', as many of the sources will be academic, and it will cover theory and themes from my academic research.
That being said, acknowledging the fruitful overlaps between my academic work and my personal passion projects, I am also eager to offer this space and its contents as my contribution to the huge network of crafters specialising in sewing, inkle weaving, natural dyeing and crochet. I have found other people's blogs both so inspiring and so useful as learning resources, and I am eager to share my own insights. Joining online networks is an important part of feminist, and particularly cyber- or techno-feminist praxis, so ultimately I'm here to put my money where my mouth is.
By bringing together resources from the two communities, craft on the one hand, and techno- and cyber-feminists on the other, I am excited to uncover synchronicities and connections beyond what is well observed.
I also use this space as an online archive of my work. I have produced work in a variety of mediums, including essay, film, photography, zines and sound, and have found that online spaces like this are the best way to facilitate different formats succinctly. Moreover, as someone who makes a lot of things (stuff, objects, materials) and finds value in both the process and product, but who isn't necessarily 'good', it can be disappointing or underwhelming having nowhere to show my output. I have always been so reluctant to share anything I have written, or even the films and sounds that I've made, and by doing so I realise I am only hindering myself. I am also a firm believer in creative and intellectual commons, and resent the institutionalisation of intellect by boundaries, pay-walls, and general inaccessibility of most academic work. Most of my academic essays are written in a tone sought only in that context, and I really want to challenge my own writing style and move away from the formality of academic publishing. I seek your criticism and comments, although please be aware that all academic work here is copy-written and will show up in plagiarism software.
Non-academic writing will be colloquial, and I am really trying to relieve the pressure to write in a specific way. As a result, please bear with me, forgive me, and humour me when reading; I ramble, a lot, and I'm not one for precision.
On that, this is a WIP. I highly value the transparency of process and development, and really believe it is lacking in academia. Of course, I'm a little late to start, as much of my research has already been done undocumented, but as of today I will be posting what I'm reading, journals and books, academic or otherwise, fact and fiction, etc.. You've got to start somewhere, and I'm starting here! Hi!
Please feel free to contact me to see more of my professional media and videography work.
Ba (Hons) Sustainable Development at University of Edinburgh
Ma Visual Anthropology at Goldsmiths
MSc Social Research at Goldsmiths
PhD UNSW, Sydney (ARC Centre for Automated Decision-Making in Society)