2020 - Spiders, feminism, weaving and the web.

Posts tagged with arachne

  1. SPIDER FEMINISM - Arachne to arachnology via the web.

    This is a three-part post, be warned..  Humans and spiders have a complicated relationship to say the least. As a child (ahem, and still now) I was terrified of spiders; the way they creeped, crawled, and seemed to have it in for me. As an adult, I have more of…

  2. Weaving in mythology.

    When I weave, what cultural histories am I participating in; what collective identity am I reinforcing; what stories do I inscribe into my being and my weave; and how am I  shaping a new narrative of women and weaving Traditionally, weaving has been a “feminine” practice, and although there are,…

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