2020 - Spiders, feminism, weaving and the web.

Posts tagged with weaving

  1. SPIDER FEMINISM - Arachne to arachnology via the web.

    This is a three-part post, be warned..  Humans and spiders have a complicated relationship to say the least. As a child (ahem, and still now) I was terrified of spiders; the way they creeped, crawled, and seemed to have it in for me. As an adult, I have more of…

  2. Weaving in mythology.

    When I weave, what cultural histories am I participating in; what collective identity am I reinforcing; what stories do I inscribe into my being and my weave; and how am I  shaping a new narrative of women and weaving Traditionally, weaving has been a “feminine” practice, and although there are,…

  3. Gifts for the goddesses.

    As the name of this project might suggest, I have a particular interest in goddesses and mythology. This interest is most definitely due to my bond with my friend Connie, and also my partner, Danny, both of whom were my flatmates when I lived in Edinburgh, and both of whom…

  4. Weaving and technofeminism - an overview according to Sadie Plant.

    “If weaving has played such a crucial role in the history of computing, it is also the key to one of the most extraordinary sites of woman-machine interface which short-circuits their prescribed relationship and persists regardless of what man effects and defines as the history of technology.” (Plant, 2000: 331-332)

  5. Ariadne, process, progress, and none of the above.

    It’s been a lot longer since my last post than I had anticipated when starting this project; I optimistically thought I would bang out a post every other day, a slight over-estimation of my productivity. That being said, I have planned many future posts, so stay tuned, and as an…

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